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7 Ways You Can Use Video in E-commerce

01/01/2020 | Share:

Video has consistently proven to be more effective than images for just about everything. It’s easier and quicker to communicate your message and they’re more engaging for visitors. More importantly, video contributes positively to conversion rates, with 80% more conversions on a given landing page and a 20% increase for homepages.

So now that we’ve established that video is completely worth investing in for your online store, the next question is how can you use it? Here are 7 ideas for incorporating video in e-commerce.

Product demonstration

Prior to e-commerce, the best way to shop for products from the comfort of your home was either through catalogues or shopping channels. TV shopping channels were very effective at clearly demonstrating how a product works, alongside trying to sell its benefits. You can use this technique in e-commerce too by creating product videos.

Product demo videos are especially useful if you’ve got a complicated product or need to give a little explanation on how to use it. Show people how your product works by giving them a “tour” of the benefits or a tutorial on how to use it, shopping channel style.

Show results

It’s good to show a demonstration by yourselves but it’s fantastic when it’s by one of your customers! This is the best form of testimonial and although a user-generated video might not be ideal for your homepage, they’ll work great elsewhere on the site.

It can be difficult to get customers to do this, but if you have videos of your product simply delivering great results, then this provides proof your product is worth buying and will encourage your potential customer to click ‘purchase’.

Tell a story

Does your product have a story behind it? Was there a problem your company set out to solve? If so, then tell people about it! As discussed here, people love storytelling, and it always works well on your about page. Why not combine this effective method with video and increase your overall engagement?

The aim here is not to hard-sell a product but to evoke emotion and build trust in what your company does. Maybe your brand helps improve peoples lives a little or it empowers people. Whatever it does, you should shout about it in a video!

Entertain or inspire people

The majority of people watch videos online to be entertained or inspired. If you want branded content that’s really going to resonate with your audience, make it entertaining or inspiring! A great way to do this is to create videos that are unexpected and memorable.

Educate people

If you’re struggling to come up with entertaining or inspiring content or you’ve already done a lot, you can try educating people with your brand. For example, maybe your product is made from recycled plastic. You could create an informative video that shows your audience how you bring your product to life and where the plastic comes from.

Give a face to your brand

A lot of e-commerce content can seem very impersonal. After all, it’s not like a brick and mortar store where there’s always staff around and someone to serve you at the counter. By adding employees to the e-commerce videos you can make your brand seem more human and therefore more relatable and trustworthy.

Message from the CEO

Take it one step further by having the CEO of the business deliver a message on the site. This builds trust and rapport with people and creates a deeper connection where people aren’t distanced from the brand. Most of all, if done right, you’ll appear down to earth. In today’s e-commerce market, this is something that potential customers relate to and can appreciate.

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