How to Ace Your Business’ About Page
01/11/2019 | Share:
Are you working on creating or improving your e-commerce site? Whilst the home page and product pages are important, the About Us page is surprisingly important and often overlooked. This page should not be an afterthought – it’s just as important as all your other pages, if not more. Here’s why…
Once people have seen what your site has to offer, they’ll likely venture to your about page to check out who you are and decide whether or not they should buy from you. They already know a number of large e-commerce sites, such as Amazon, that they’ve already used and can trust. So what’s going to make them choose you? A site that is competitive for sure, but they’ll certainly want to check if you’re genuine, trustworthy, unique and relatable.
In order to do that, we’ve provided some top tips on writing an about page.
Tell a story
Everyone loves a good story, especially behind a brand. In fact, it has been proven by marketers and copywriters alike that storytelling is effective for sales.
It creates a feeling of authenticity that gains trust and shows that the company has worked hard to get to where it is today. As part of human nature, we also like things finished rather than left hanging. A good story will captivate your audience and lead them to the end of your page, by which point they’ll be hooked!
Show your face
Just like people appreciate a good story, people also need to be able to relate to the business. Nothing is better for your authenticity and approachability than humanising your e-commerce site with some real faces!
Whether you’re a lone wolf or have a great team behind you, you should make your introductions here. It shows you have nothing to hide and reassures your potential customer that they’re working with real people who have lives, just like them!
Go beyond a mission statement
Having a mission statement these days can be a little cliché. People often see it as corporate nonsense that comes across as vague and just like the rest. Instead of a mission statement, provide more information on what you do and talk about the unique angle you have on your industry.
We can all tell from the home page what you sell, so use the about page to creatively show why your business is better than any other. How does your business improve people’s lives or benefit people? What problem are you providing a solution to?
Whatever you write, make sure you’re humble and avoid obvious sales pitches in your approach, unless being pretentious is part of a clever copywriting strategy!
A great way to fill up the page is by adding some testimonials. If you’ve already acquired some reviews through review sites, social media or Google, you can quote these on your about page. It provides even more authenticity and proves that your service and/or products are effective. Read our article on customer reviews for more information on how testimonials can affect your business.
Easily contactable
People might be looking at your about page because they are looking for a way of contacting you. Whilst some websites rely on conversions through a contact page, an e-commerce site gains its conversions through online sales. Just because it won’t lead to a conversion, it doesn’t mean your contact details should be hidden. Ensure you are easily contactable, either via email or phone to provide adequate customer service and also to reinforce that sense of authenticity.
Say it from the heart
If there’s only one piece of advice you take from this article, let it be this: Don’t use a template. Why would you want an about page that is the same as someone else’s?
In order to be unique, you must write your about page from the heart. Take inspiration from wherever you can, but directly copying is a big no. Think of it as like a CV for your business – it’s going to have a unique story behind it, just like you, but it’s also the way you tell it that matters!