Social Media for E-Commerce
14/08/2016 | Share:
Perhaps you have an E-Commerce site but aren’t using your social media presence to its full potential. Here are some ways that social media can drive traffic to your E-Commerce site.
Build Relationships
Most people don’t visit social media sites to purchase items, generally it can be the beginning of their journey to buying something. The key to social media is to build relationships with people and get your brand out there and known. Once people become acquainted with your brand on social media, they are more likely to visit your E-Commerce site and make a purchase. Be sure to share information but not to go hard on the sales pitch.
It is definitely worthwhile reporting on your social media activity. Most platforms have their own analytics programs that allow you to track traffic, page likes, followers and see how many people click through to your site from your social channel. This allows you to see what works and doesn’t work, what content is engaging people and what your customers are excited by. By reporting on traffic and behaviour, you will be able to identify key areas for improvement. Also use your website analysts to discover which social media platforms are driving the most traffic.
Scial Sharing Buttons
Adding social sharing buttons on your site, for example a Facebook like button next to each of your products, can be very beneficial. Enabling people to share or retweet their reviews or any offers on the site to their friends/followers can increase the reach of your brand.
Start Conversations
Social media is the perfect place to start conversations with customers and prospects, so engage with your followers. Show that you care about them as customers, ask them questions, ask for feedback, offer them discounts. Essentially make them feel special and in return, you will gain their loyalty.
Be sure to share positive reviews across your social media channels, reviews are up there with personal recommendations, so they are a perfect way to promote your service without being too pushy and salesy. If a prospect is considering your products, reading a review can be the icing on the cake to seal the deal for them.
Some other bits to consider are:
Hashtags – to allow people to discover your content
Paid advertising – Facebook ads, LinkedIn ads, or promoted tweets that link back to your E-Commerce site
Regular posting – Posting content regularly will improve engagement
Concise posts – People are more likely to share short content, rather than long pages of text
Images – They are naturally more engaging that text, so be sure to keep things visual