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7 Reasons Why You Should Start An Ecommerce Business

03/11/2021 | Share:

With the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, this past year has been the best time in history to get yourself up and running with an online business. The interface of business has changed more in recent times than at any time post the industrial revolution – and more people are opting to work for themselves than ever before.

In 2019, Global ecommerce sales amounted to over £25 trillion; this is, of course, fantastic news for the thriving future of ecommerce. If this is something you’re considering venturing into, then our guide is a must-read.

In this post, we will cover the main benefits of running an ecommerce business.

The Ease of Getting Started

It takes under three hours to complete your ecommerce website and once you’re up and running, you are ready to start earning. The best part is that you don’t even need to be on the premises (or even awake, for that matter) for an ecommerce business to start earning you money.

You can operate your business at any time and from almost any location, with no specific operating hours and strict shifts to stick to.

Low Cost of Startup

Of course, the cost of running an ecommerce business is also highly beneficial to the proprietor, as the overheads and setup fees are much lower than starting an offline business.

It has never been easier to get started with today’s technology and plenty of free access to website creation tools. Using online platforms such as YouTube can also help with step-by-step tutorials for beginners to get the ball rolling.

To have an ecommerce website, the price is less than £4 per month for a basic account. Comparing this to how much it could cost for a brick and mortar store and how much money you could be making, it makes financial sense to stick with ecommerce.

You may want something more complex in the future, but ecommerce is a great stepping stone in the beginning.

Safety Net

Another excellent benefit of running an ecommerce business is that you don’t have to commit your full time to it and can pick and choose the number of hours you put in. This means you can have the security of full-time employment and run your ecommerce business alongside a current part-time or full-time job.

Having an ecommerce website as a side-hustle may seem like it’ll be too time-consuming, but you can actually run a hugely successful ecommerce business by dedicating as little as 15-hours a week to it. A great way to implement this is to draw up your S.M.A.R.T goals:

  • S: Specific goals; the objectives you need to accomplish
  • M: Measurable goals; ensure you can measure your progress
  • A: Achievable; is the goal realistic, can it be done?
  • R: Relevant; How will the goal benefit the business?
  • T: Time-Bound; Put a deadline on the goal, so you have something to work towards


Examples of S.M.A.R.T goals:

  • ‘Sell four products within the first 2-weeks of going live.’
  • ‘Make a profit above £60 within the first month’.


By having a plan and using the S.M.A.R.T. goal acronym, you will be able to make better use of your free time and apply it more productively to your ecommerce business.

Global Market

One of the most obvious benefits is, of course, how much wider your market can be with ecommerce. Without being limited to local customers, you can literally branch out to anywhere on the planet and reach clients from all over the globe, thereby also pushing your products to places you’d never be able to reach without ecommerce.

Be Your Own Boss

When you run your own ecommerce business, you are effectively your own boss. This means that you’re not answerable to anyone, nor do you have to consider the opinions or wishes of any shareholders, business partners, or investors.

The positives far outweigh the negatives when it comes to saving time, money, and other resources when you’re running a one-person shop. As much as any drawbacks are on you, so too are the advantages. You decide which direction your business goes in, how marketing strategies are funded, and which product is given the spotlight at which time, for example.

You may be the one putting the time in now, but you will also be the one reaping the rewards along the line.

Doing What You Love The Most

Be sure to build your business around something you’re passionate about, something you have a genuine interest in. You’re guaranteed to be more successful in life if you can honestly say you love what you do. At the same time, continuously growing your knowledge, learning, increasing quality, and sustainability to ensure you’re providing the ideal product to your consumers.

Where You Could End Up

Of course, once your business has grown enough, you are then looking at a position where you’re able to outsource your workload, hire staff, and employ contractors. This means that further down the line, successful entrepreneurs will eventually be able to watch their business thrive and grow while outsourcing most of the work.


So, to sum up, now you have a bit more knowledge about how your business could grow with ecommerce, you’re now able to take the first step to change your life.

The best way to make this a successful venture is to be strict with your time dedication, especially in the early days. Draw up your S.M.A.R.T goals and use them to track your progress; this system is used by major international companies because it works.

The greatest investment in ecommerce is your time, but once you have a structured plan in place, even this can be limited to be convenient and to suit you.

There has never been a better time to launch into the world of ecommerce. Be in charge of what you do and grow your business quickly, cheaply, easily, and effectively today!

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